Today, thanks to the good Colonials at Imagekind, we’re now able to offer a large sized print of the Viva Adama poster. This way you can show your support for the Admiral and not drain your printer cartidge. Of course, we continue to sell our our shirts and stickers as well. Join the fight today!
Special thanks for the shout out go to the patriotic Colonials and Browncoats at the wireless broadcast at!

If you haven’t already checked out this amazing set of character portraits of various Cylons and Colonials drawn in the style of the Simpsons, well get there at once and check it out! Why? Because there’s a new set (with some spoilery stuff in there if you havent’ seen Season 3 or 4) that just came out the other day.
Click here to check ’em out. Many thanks to the patriots at Galactica SitRep for the notice!

We’re making some changes around here to bring the site up to the Admiral’s standards….we will do an official “re launch” in a few days. (the banner up on top is a prototype, the final version will be even more awesome)
Until then continue to read the archives, check out our online store for shirts and bumper stickers and if you have suggestions, links, or other ideas, contact the campaign and let us know your thoughts!

The citizens who run Comedy Central’s blog took note of which candidates for President might be Cylons, and noted the similarity of one candidate to one known Cylon.
It’s an entertaining read, but it’s also clear our candidate, Admiral Adama, is not a Cylon!
PS: Welcome to all our new readers courtesy of!

After hassling with the Cylons at Zazzle over our poster print-on-demand BS, we decided at the campaign to ask, “What Would Bill Adama Do?”
In this case, we are now giving away the 11×17 poster file for free, so that you may download it, print it, and put it in your window.
Sometimes you have to roll a hard six, and sometimes you just have to get creative. Adama ’08!
If we find a new provider that will allow you to buy print-on-demand posters (and thus save your ink cartridge) we’ll let ya know!

Our T-Shirt provider, Goodstorm, was recently acquired by and as such, means that our store will be closing this week. If you haven’t already purchased an “Adama for President” shirt, you should do so right away, since there will be a delay as we rebuild our art files for the new system at
By moving to, not only will we be able to offer the shirt, but we’ll be able to offer some other fun products too! Stay tuned!