After hassling with the Cylons at Zazzle over our poster print-on-demand BS, we decided at the campaign to ask, “What Would Bill Adama Do?”
In this case, we are now giving away the 11×17 poster file for free, so that you may download it, print it, and put it in your window.
Sometimes you have to roll a hard six, and sometimes you just have to get creative. Adama ’08!
If we find a new provider that will allow you to buy print-on-demand posters (and thus save your ink cartridge) we’ll let ya know!
All posts for the month April, 2008
Courtesy of Comedy Central and the good citizens of Galactica SitRep comes word of some world colliding good fun:
Today we announce our new Adama for President bumper stickers, on sale at our store! We’re finding the learning curve with Zazzle’s less-than-optimum user interface is making this a bit more complex than it should, but for now, buy a bumper sticker and show your support for Bill Adama in 2008!
buy unique gifts at Zazzle